Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Innocent Man

Im feeling sleepy, but i couldnt sleep, so i decided to write this entry. Im going to give a review to one of my favourite novel, The Innocent Man by John Grisham. This is kind of interesting story, the non-fiction and based on the true story.

Since this was a true story, Grisham was using actual court transcript. The way the case was handled was completely slip shod and pathetic and makes you wonder at the possibility of truly getting justice, in real life.

This true story, is about the main accused, Ron Williamson, who was framed by the law enforcement, as the murderer of cocktail waitress, Debra Carter.
Ironically the police used forced dream confessions, convicted felons as snitches and witnesses, junk science and any dubious means to get him convicted. Williamson got the death penalty.

I started out reading this book, knowing that the main accused was innocent. But, even someone who didnt know some of the data presented here, could have seen that this was a wrongful conviction. And even though the case came up for appeal multiple times, each person upheld the original wrongful conviction.

Hence, i think, Grisham is s good writer.
'If you believe you are innocent until proven guilty, this book will shock you.'
'If you believe in death penalty, this book will disturb you.'
'If you believe criminal justice system is fair, this book will infuriate you.'


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