Thursday, December 27, 2012

Akhir rasa.

YaAllah tlglah aku jangan lah kau biarkan diriku jatuh cinta lebih mendalam kepadanya..sbb kalau itu terjadi pasti ada hati yang akan terluka.yaAllah tlglah diriku.. YaAllah padamkanlah rasa hati ini jika ditakdirkan mmg dia bukan milikku dan untukku..yaAllah hapuskanlah ingatan ku ini terhadapnya jika sudah tertulis dia milik orang lain bukan milikku.
YaAllah aku memohon padamu..sesungguhnya Engkaulah yg berkuasa menjadikan sesuatu itu..terbalikkanlah hatiku ini YaAllah..dia sudah menjadi milik orang lain..buanglah perasaan cinta ini supaya dia blh berbahagia.
YaAllah berilah dia kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat dengan keputusan yg dia lakukan.berilah aku kekuatan seperti dulu yaAllah..jgnlah kau lemahkan semngatku..berilah petunjuk yg terbaik untukku..
YaAllah sesungguhnya yg baik hnya dariMu dan yg buruk dari aku.aku hnya hambamu yg lemah yaAllah bantulah aku. Aku tidak tahan lagi dgn perasaan ini yaAllah tidak tertanggung olehku yaAllah.
Amin yarabbal alamin.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

No title.

And after all, i know eventually you will go back for her

But i couldnt be more happier if u happy.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fool again.

Baby, i know the story..its all written all over your face. Tell me, what's your secret? And what you've been hiding? And who's gonna take my place?
I should've seen it coming, i should've read all the signs.. But anyway, i guess its over.
Cant believe that i'm the fool again, i thought this love would never end, but how was i to know? You never told me.
Baby, you should've called me, when you were lonely, when you needed me to be there. But sadly, you never did that, and you never gave me chances to show how much i care.
About all the pains and the tears, if i could, i would turn back the times.


Gloomy sunday

Helo..happy sunday everyone. So today i dont know what im goin to do. Apart from doing house chores, cleaning, washing, etc etc, i dont know nk buat ape lg. yup and for sure xtau nk masak ape dah for idea.sigh. Since i have to babysit my baby sister(actually shes already 18 but mymom still treat her like a baby because shes the youngest) so mmg hari2 kena masak la sbb if not die nk mkn ape. Die tu ape pn xtau buat. Haih. Susah jugak nk fikir ape nk dimasak every day. Now i understand how my mom feels.

Well a little bit of thoughts.. Sometimes i think it really happens bila ape yg kita buat xpernah hurts me so much. Kdg2 kita rasa kita dh buat yg terbaik tp org xpernah nampak and appreciate. It usually happens dkt org yg kte love the most, right? Everything never seems enough. Tp takpelah, at least kita dh buat something and eventhough takde org notice pn but deep in our heart we know we had done our best.

Oh yes and im not feeling very well again..flu dtg blk..sigh. And i will be goin to bangkok next week and im not that happy. Mcm ade something kt sni yg makes me feel berat hati nk tinggalkan sini. But.. I know im the only one yg feel like this..

P/s : you hope the wound heals but it never does.

Xoxo :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Hola peeps. Today was not a good day i guess. :(. Yaallah.. Sakitnya kepala dr ptg td until now blom hilang.sampai skrg terbaring atas katil je ni. Nk bangun je sakit sgt especially kt blakang kepala smpai ke leher. Pagi2 lagi aku bangun dh menangis. Mcm2 kejadian.pastu xmkn smpai kul 4 la padahnya.migrain bagai nak pecah kepala. Dh mkn panadol pn sakit ya amat.
Mcm2 jadi..risau salah,mayb i cared too much. Sbb tu org menyampah. Mayb aku ni risau xbertempat sbb tu org rimas.but how.. Cannot help it. Ble dh care, mesti nk make sure dia sntiasa ok, sehat. Tp u dont know yg my action mayb blh buat org rimas. Rasa xdihargai sgt. Dgn layanan dingin, rse ape yg aku dh buat xdipeduli. Xpela mayb dis is my fault.cause i care too much.
Xpela, kepala dh berat sgt..yaAllah hopefully cpt ok..


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Its been a while.

Hola peeps! Dh lama rsenye tak update entry psl diri sendiri ni. Awal2 create blog ni je excitedd but as time goes by, dh malas nk update2 slalu..
Haihh..since laptop pn dh jahanam, lg la mls..update blog pn kne thru phone. Well right now im officially doing nothing for 6months! Hahaha. Gile lah, patutnye aku bekerja, since dh jd degree holder ni, tp LLB pnye pasal...sanggup tggu utk further study.
Waa gigih kan? If blh pas LLB nk amek master. Cita2.. Fuh! Double degree and master.bkn ape, nk tunjukkan kt org yg slalu pandang rendah to me yg aku pn mampu jugak. InsyaAllah if diri ni xmalas2, lpas LLB ni aku nk smbung basically ade 2 degree and master.
Ddk skrg ni, teringat blk those good memories.haih how i wish i can turn back times.zaman dlu2 masa bdk2 xmatang dlu. Rasa diri ni dh tua sgt skrg.i miss those good moments dgn kwn2, bbq time, naik genting, curi2 kua lpak..but now rse xdpt blk sume keseronokan tu
Ntah..rse mcm xtau what will happen to me in future. So hard to imagine.mayb one day kwn2 smua dh ade haluan masing2 but me? I dont know..
Kdg2 fikiran bercelaru..this is not what i want. Xtau status diri ni. I hv to do something but how??
Sometimes u can have something but u cant own them.face the reality right?

Xoxo :)

Monday, December 10, 2012


I write this entry cos i feel sad today. Cause i feel lonely right now. Cause i cant sleep. Cause i cant stop thinking bout you. Cause i cant stop concerning about you. Its raining outside and i feel empty inside. So much love and memories, keep lingering in my mind. YaAllah i feel contented. YaAllah give me strength.

Im writing this entry, again, even i feel so tired and sleepy but i just cant sleep. Gudnite and sweetdre.