Tuesday, May 24, 2011

the true meaning of forgiveness..?

I love the theme song of Temptation of a Wife,korean series.The title is 'I Can't Forgive'.One of the lyrics captured my attention, when it said, 'Do not call me a bad woman, I can't forgive'.Does it makes you a bad woman if u cant forgive? It is kind of a sad story, a woman who often been tortured and cheated by her husband and he even try to kill her. And she seeks for revenge. Now i get it.When u cant forgive someone, you tend to seek for revenge.And it can turn you to a bad woman or person.For me, forgiving is the best theraphy.Often my friends n people i know said to me, 'u r kind'. And i was thinking, what is the true meaning of kindness? Am i too kind? No, im not that kind.'Setiap manusia ade kelemahan dan kekurangan.' But what is more important, forgive more. U can let go all the hurts and pains if u forgive people. Sedangkan Nabi pn ampunkan umat.Inikan plak kita sesama hamba Allah. What can i say is, i forgive people, though i dont FORGET. Forgetting is long. But forgive is good. When we forgive someone, dont seek for repayment. 'Yg lain2 tu biar Allah je yg balas n tentukan'.

"Forgiving isn't forgetting. Its just letting go of the hurt".

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