Tuesday, May 24, 2011


well,ni bkn nk crite or review bout this movie,  yg natalie portman & ashton kutcher berlakon tu.haha. well, yeah.it was a romantic story and i've watched it. ok back to the topic. I think situation like this always happened in real life, rite? someone yg kte syg, love soo much n kte rasa ada hati&prasaan kt die, but then x nak ade ape2 bond or commitment with us. Y is it so? well my friend said sbb die tamak.Xnak lose us but at d same time nk keep diri available for others. But, the question is, is it fair? Adil ke? Mcm bg harapan, act like loving couple,treat us as if we are special, but with no bond at all. Honestly, for me i dont like this kind of situation. But i cant say too much, bcos i've experienced it. How does it feels? Sakit? Sedih? BOTH. Mayb whoever yg wat mcm ni ade good n strong reason behind it, but remember one thing. Akan smpai 1 tahap when you dh rasa syg n cinta then all this nonsense will stop. Its just a matter of time. Whatever it is, it depends on individuals. Maybe ade yg njoy n happy rship with "no string attached". But like i said before, in rship, commitment is important.Wallahualam.

"Love act in mysterious way".

p/s : sory bahasa rojak2 sket :D