Sunday, December 16, 2012

Gloomy sunday

Helo..happy sunday everyone. So today i dont know what im goin to do. Apart from doing house chores, cleaning, washing, etc etc, i dont know nk buat ape lg. yup and for sure xtau nk masak ape dah for idea.sigh. Since i have to babysit my baby sister(actually shes already 18 but mymom still treat her like a baby because shes the youngest) so mmg hari2 kena masak la sbb if not die nk mkn ape. Die tu ape pn xtau buat. Haih. Susah jugak nk fikir ape nk dimasak every day. Now i understand how my mom feels.

Well a little bit of thoughts.. Sometimes i think it really happens bila ape yg kita buat xpernah hurts me so much. Kdg2 kita rasa kita dh buat yg terbaik tp org xpernah nampak and appreciate. It usually happens dkt org yg kte love the most, right? Everything never seems enough. Tp takpelah, at least kita dh buat something and eventhough takde org notice pn but deep in our heart we know we had done our best.

Oh yes and im not feeling very well again..flu dtg blk..sigh. And i will be goin to bangkok next week and im not that happy. Mcm ade something kt sni yg makes me feel berat hati nk tinggalkan sini. But.. I know im the only one yg feel like this..

P/s : you hope the wound heals but it never does.

Xoxo :)

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