Thursday, June 2, 2011

my journey..this is how it begins..

So, here I am, now safely at home. So tiring,my legs are painful and my left eye got infection,bcos of the contact lense.But I really enjoyed it,shopping and at the same time hv fun at the universal studios. On the first day we arived quite early,bcos our flight is in the morning. It took only 30 minutes from KLIA to Changi airport, i didnt even managed to finish my coffee.haha. Suprisingly, bcos we expected that its gonna be 45 minutes.Before this,we went to singapore by car.So, i dont know much how long it will take if we took a flight.

1st DAY.
So, early in the morning,we arrived at Changi airport,spore,then headed to our hotel, near the Orchard Road, at Orange Grove road. We decided to stay at the hotel lobby until check in time(12 pm), but luckily, the receptionist guy was so kind he gave us our room immediately. So lucky enough. Then ape lg, i jumped on the bed sleepy,tired. Sedar2, it was aready 2pm.So, i had my lunch, then in the evening we went to Singapore expo.The 'so called' expo,my uncle suggested to my mum, konon2 it has many kitchen&electronic goods.But then..actually, it was PATHETIC. with soo many people i cant even walk, we didnt buy anything. Just hanging around at SUBWAY,drinking coffee and biscuits.

After that, we headed up straight to orchard road. Thinking of shopping some stuffs on the first day here(so that we didnt waste our time), but it ended up we only managed to buy perfumes.HAHA.In spore the perfumes slightly cheaper than msia since its tax-free. So, i bought perfumes for me,mymom,mysister, and even to mydad & najwa.Mymom wanted to buy her kitchen aid but surprisingly the mall closed at 8.30pm. So early rite??Jadi xsempat la kn.haha.Then, we went back to our hotel, before that 'singgah' at Adam Road, where many halal food sold there, had our dinner and then kroh..kroh..kroh...

2nd DAY

Early in the morning,around 9.45am, we were ready to go to Universal Studios. We arrived around 10.30am but it's already full with people. So many people, crowded.i hate the situation. (Lupe plak, spore also school holiday,same with msia,patutla ramai nk mampus). So, our first check point in universal studios is at madagascar land. So many children with the hot weather,memang menaikkan kemarahan. Just imagine, we hv to queue about more than 1 hour to take a ride in madagascar land. Fed up gila, and it turned out to be a stupid boat ride with all the madagascar characters singing along our ride.STUPID. Rse diri dh mcm budak2 ok? HAHA.

Alrite, after that stupid boat ride we headed up to far far away land, the SHREK land. So, bersesuaian dgn movie SHREK, most of the rides here are suitable for children. But, we watched the SHREK 4D MOTION. and it was fun.yeah, nasib baik the motion was fun, if not, mmg sia2 beratur about 45minutes gak la.

ok, then after that we walked to the lost world, where the jurassic park thingy land. If we want to take a ride in this land,it took about 1hour and 20minutes for us to queue, so bye-bye je lah. jgn harap nk beratur smpai sejam lbeh. At that time dah extremely exhausted dh. tp sempat tgk the waterworld show in this land. then, we headed to ancient mummy land plak. ok, this land was so cool, with mummy,cleopatra, and the roller coaster ride(the mummy returns) was sssooooo FUN! haha..rse nak naik lg sekali but, xlarat nk queue la plak. Luckily queue xpjg sgt so dlm 15minutes beratur.

The last land is outer space land i think. some kind of space ship land, humans,robots fighting.the robot is cylon. yeah, i took a roller coaster extreme ride..waaa best gle! my sister xberani nk naik so i naik sorng2.wah3 sgt extremely exciting!! kepala kt bwh kaki kt atas n mcm2 lg.haha. after that we just walked along the hollywood street, where the roll camera action show, with steven speilberg special effect. Then to main street USA, where all shops selling souviners..and its nearly 8pm, dh xlarat sgt2,kaki nearly nk tercabut..sakit nk ktorng pn balik. Before balik hotel, singgah at newton street dinner. So basically, on the 2nd day, the whole day we spent at the UNIVERSAL STUDIOS. no shopping. :(

3rd DAY

Ok, on this day we spent the whole day only for shopping.hehe. from our hotel,we went to orchard road..starting from Robinsons mall, we strolled along the orchard road, bought some clothes at Cotton On, then to Zara, after that Topshop and Guess. Then, we had our lunch at the halal ayam penyet restaurant.I was so tired at that time, with lots of paper n plastic bags that i hv to carry. Our last stop  is at Tangs,where mymom bought her kitchen aid, and some other kitchen stuffs. Sempat lagi i bought a set of BENEFIT makeup, 'finding mr.bright'. hehe.just for collections. :). Chuna mesti marah if dpt tau ni.hihi. Then, dh xlarat sgt after that, so we went back to our hotel.yelah dr pagi smpai mlm asyik continue shopping esk je la. Before that we had our dinner at Adam Street again.dh xde choice sgt kn.nk wat cmne,hehe.

4th day a.k.a last day.

this is our last day in here.wakeup in the morning, breakfast then checked out. we placed our luggage in the hotel first, and  after that..continue shopping.hehe. :D. Mymom bought her handbag...sooo long i hv to wait..from gucci to salvatore ferragamo then burberry. Since i was so boring waiting, i decided to buy sandal for myself at Clarks. Sbb dh sakit kaki time tu pkai heels. After that br la mymom abes beli  handbag.time tu dh pkul 2pm.ktorng kne pg airport ptg at 5pm cos our flight is at 8pm. So, ktorng xde masa nk shopping byk2 lg,just beli few things and then tros headed to airport.
Kt airport my feet dh luka n merah2 so hv to buy slipper.nasib baik dpn mata ade charles&keith so ape lg tros beli.sempat lg tertdo smentara tggu flight.then after 30minutes, dh smpai KLIA. At that time its already 11pm(after dh amek luggage sume).so ktrong mkn kt airport je then tros balik umah.time tu dh pkul 12 lbeh.

So,smpai2 je umah, HOME SWEET HOME! i was so tired,exhausted, mengantok..tros tdo..kroh..kroh..kroh..what a tiring day.....

All i can say that, it was fun but i cant deny the fact that it was so tiring. The universal studios is similar with disneyland hongkong that i went last time.x byk beza sgt pn.lebih kurang..But i really hv a great time with my family..and i feel so happy.Atleast my time filled with good things and i dont feel so bored. :).

So to CHUNA, this is my 4 days journey to singapore...i dedicated this post to u.muah muah. :)


  1. Finding Mr. Bright laaa sggttt!!! hahaha..BENEFITTTT ja keje kau..:p

  2. hehehe pasni nk beli benefit lagi lagi dan lagi..haha

  3. takde gambar ke? :D

  4. ade..try to upload tp xboleh la..dont know y.. :(
